Donnerstag, 31. März 2016

Sharxx Blue (Trichocereus peruvianus)

Sharxx Blue (Trichocereus peruvianus)

The Peruvianus clone SHARXX BLUE is a shortspined Peruvianus clone that was named after the SAB Member Sharxx. It originated from the well known DAWSONS cactus collection and was brought and named by the SAB member PD.

It probably is some kind of Matucana Peruvianus, much like the ICARO DNA type, the Los Gentiles or the Matucana Peruvianus that I have in stock here.

The plants are extremely blue and glaucous. Overall, this type of Trichocereus is one of my all-time favorite plants and it´s a very popular clone among Trichocereus breeders.

There definitely are plants that are similar and which are not genetically identical. Like I said before, there is a large number of various collection sites in Matucana and most of them are similar to the SHARXX BLUE.

This clone is sometimes available from Australian growers that gift or trade away cuttings every now and then. If you are interested in a SHARXX BLUE cutting, you might try to make a posting at the SAB forum. There also are growers that use it to produce Trichocereus hybrids. This year was the first year that Misplant offered some crosses that involved the SHARXX BLUE clone. It is also available from, who donated the pics below. 31



T. peruvianus

Sharxx Blue (Trichocereus peruvianus)

HB01 (Trichocereus puquiensis)

HB01 (Trichocereus puquiensis)

Trichocereus HB01 is a clone that originally comes from the Australian Shop HERBALISTICS. The plant was sourced from a garden in the Australian city Gatton in Queensland. The clone is usually short spined, but can get more spiny at a larger size.

I originally described this clone as some kind of Tr. peruvianus. Looking back, this was probably not the case. Through my extensive research for my book, I spent a lot of time researching Trichocereus puquiensis and I feel like the HB01 clone is very similar to what I know as Tr. puquiensis from Ritter´s old description. It basically is a long-spine Pachanoi that tends to have a higher number of ribs. Tr. puquiensis has usually 8 – 10 ribs and the pics that I got from the SAB member LHB2444 it definitely fits the description. It also has the orange spines that do NOT have swollen spine bases. That´s actually very typical for Tr. puquiensis as well.

t peru HB01

t peru HB01 1

The photos below (Zed240) show a plant that was labeled HB01 but looks a little bit different and has substantially longer spines as the one in the first two pics. That being said, there is a great variability within all the Trichocereus species, so I would not be surprised if that difference in spine length is caused by environmental factors. There also are 5 – 6 ribbed plants from Puquio and this second plant might be one of them. But no matter if the HB01 clone is actually a Trichocereus puquiensis or a Trichocereus peruvianus, it definitely as an amazing plant that will look awesome in your collection. You can find the description and photos of Tr. puquiensis here!

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__006Photos: Zed240

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__008

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__007

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__005


HB01 (Trichocereus puquiensis)

Trichocereus pallarensis

Trichocereus pallarensis

T. pallarensis Trichonest 3Photo:

Trichocereus pallarensis is a species that was described by Friedrich Ritter and listed in his WINTER catalogs starting in 1961! I do have most of the old Winter catalogs, but I unfortunately not the ones after 1960. But that´s not a problem as I have a whole lot of other information about Trichocereus pallarensis.

Ritter wrote about this species numerous times. He basically called this plant a „variety of Trichocereus pachanoi“, but described it as a new species just in case. Back then, it was common that botanists or taxonomists wrote new descriptions only based on minor differences, that would only be seen as a regional form by today´s standards.

Trichocereus pallarensis has 3 – 6 radial spines (15 – 50 mm long). Those are brown or honey colored and relatively thin compared with the ones on Trichocereus peruvianus and Trichocereus pachanoi. The middle spines are often missing or there is only one very strong and long middle spine. It is very similar to Tr. pachanoi in regards to the spination and most of the spines are only few millimeters long. The areoles are often very small and those packed areoles usually tend to miss the one middle spine as well.

Flowers: Friedrich Ritter was not able to get a good description of the flower and I am working on one myself. The plant is very rare and if you happen to have a flowering sized one, please let me know so we can improve the flower description. With that said, it comes from the Pachanoi group and is probably almost identical to the one of Tr. pachanoi. The flower is definitely white, but I´d love to measure it some more.

Fruit: The fruit of Trichocereus pallarensis is 5 cm long and 4 cm thick. Covered with GRAY wool.
Seeds: The seeds of Trichocereus pallarensis are identical to the ones on other Tr. pachanoi types.

Origin/ Type locality: Trichocereus pallarensis grows in Llancora, near Cajamarca. Near Pallar (that´s where the name comes from) and east of the cordillera Blanca. Department Ancash at 2.500 – 3.000 meters altitude.

Where to buy Trichocereus pallarensis seeds and plants:

Trichocereus pallarensis is very rare and only a few shops have them in stock. If you want to buy seeds of Trichocereus pallarensis, please join my seed list and I´ll let you know next time I have some. You can also get some fresh seeds from every now and then. They have a beautiful number of crosses that they produce every year. You might also be able to get some from Cactusaffinity and Misplant.


Trichocereus pallarensis FR1468 Locality: Machar, Peru (Ritter)

Trichocereus pallarensis

Samstag, 26. März 2016

Loxanthocereus pullatus (Cleistocactus) - Lima / Lurin Seeds

Loxanthocereus pullatus (Cleistocactus) – Lima / Lurin Seeds

Loxanthocereus pullatus Rauh & Backbg. - Lurin Valle 1

Loxanthocereus pullatus is a really cool columnar cactus that grows in Lima in Peru. It is a rare plant that was included into the genus Cleistocactus under new taxonomy. The current name is Cleistocactus acanthurus ssp. pullatus. This particular subspecies has smaller shoots than the normal species Cleistocactus acanthurus.

Those seeds are nursery produced and were NOT stolen from the wild. They are tested and very viable!

Loxanthocereus pullatus (Cleistocactus) - Lima / Lurin Seeds

Trichocereus andalgalensis x Tr. grandiflorus v. crassicaulis Seeds

Trichocereus andalgalensis x Tr. grandiflorus v. crassicaulis Seeds


30s – 3.00 Euro

Trichocereus andalgalensis is a relative of Tr. huascha. In particular, it is the regional form of Tr. huascha var. auricolor from Catamarca. Trichocereus andalgalensis is also synonymous with Helianthocereus andalgalensis. The flower of Trichocereus andalgalensis is yellow/orange and looks great. Flower photos are rare and this is a great parent in this impressive cross.

The pollen donor was Trichocereus grandiflorus var. crassicaulis and I am really looking forward seeing some of the flowers from this cross! The seeds are tested and have a high viability! The color of the F1 generation´s flowers is totally mysterious and it will be great fun to watch!

Photo credit: izzyplante, Montreal

Trichocereus andalgalensis x Tr. grandiflorus v. crassicaulis Seeds

Dienstag, 22. März 2016

Montag, 21. März 2016

Weberbauerocereus winterianus - Buy seeds

Weberbauerocereus winterianus – Buy seeds

30s – 3 Euro

Weberbauerocereus winterianus is a columnar cactus that can be found all over Peru. The genus Weberbauerocereus is a very popular group of plants and growers all over the world like to grow them. The grow like a tree and reach a size of 4 – 6 meters. Weberbauerocereus winterianus was described by Friedrich Ritter, who named the species after his sister Hilde Winter. It is synonymous with Haageocereus winterianus and Weberbauerocereus winterianus var. Australis. It has 22 – 27 ribs and reaches a diameter of up to 10 cm. Weberbauerocereus winterianus is a night flowering species with flowers that are up to 8 cm long. This rare species can be found in the Ancash region of Peru and is rare in European collections.

Those seeds are fresh and were NOT stolen from the wild. Those seeds were very well cleaned and are high viable.

Weberbauerocereus winterianus - Buy seeds

Trichocereus tarapacanus / Soehrensia tarapacana - Buy Seeds

Trichocereus tarapacanus / Soehrensia tarapacana – Buy Seeds

Soehrensia formosa Peter Mansfeld

30s – 3 Euro

Due to the rare nature of this plant, I only have very little information about it. It comes from Chile and probably belongs into the context of the genus Soehrensia, though it is sometimes labeled as a Trichocereus. There is no description of this species yet, but it seems to be related to Soehrensia ubelmanniana or Soehrensia/Echinopsis formosa. Apart from that, I do not have any more information about it other than that those seeds are nursery produced and NOT stolen from the wild. Be one of the first to grow this rare gem. There´s only a very limited number of seeds left.

Photo: Peter A Mansfeld / This picture does NOT show the mother plant, but the similar and closely related species Echinopsis/Soehrensia formosa. Because this species is so rare, I was not able to find a pic of the mother plant anywhere but I will add one as soon as my seedlings are bigger.

Trichocereus tarapacanus / Soehrensia tarapacana - Buy Seeds

Donnerstag, 17. März 2016

Trichocereus spachianus (Golden Torch) Buy seeds

Trichocereus spachianus (Golden Torch) Buy seeds

Soehrensia_spachiana Elia Scudiero

Photo: Elia-Scudiero

30s – 3 Euro

The Golden Torch cactus is a columnar cactus from the lower areas in Argentina. It was renamed Echinopsis spachiana in 1974 but I´ll stick with the Trichocereus label. It can reach a size of more than two meters and has a wonderful white flower which you can see on the photo shown above.

Trichocereus spachianus is an excellent grafting stock and is one of the most popular columnar cacti in existence. Those seeds are fresh and tested. It´s an excellent choice and high quality seeds.

Trichocereus spachianus (Golden Torch) Buy seeds

Trichocereus puquiensis - Buy Seeds

Trichocereus puquiensis – Buy Seeds

30s – 3 Euros

Trichocereus puquiensis is a close relative of Tr. pachanoi and Tr. peruvianus. The original species is probably closer to Trichocereus pachanoi than it is to Trichocereus peruvianus, but there are many different forms of this plant in Puquio and the number of ribs differs greatly among them. Trichocereus puquiensis is known for its high rib count, but there also are regional forms that only have five ribs.

Those seeds are KK1689 Trichocereus puquiensis and were listed as a 5-ribbed variety/form of Trichocereus puquiensis. What we grew from older seed batches of KK1689 was similar to Tr. puquiensis, but also had a definite connection to Tr. cuzcoensis.

I included some pics that show the version with the 8-10 ribs as well as the one that only has five or six ribs at max. Definitely an interesting plant and very rare to find.

Trichocereus puquiensis - Buy Seeds

Trichocereus narvaezensis (Trichocereus tarijensis) Buy seeds

Trichocereus narvaezensis (Trichocereus tarijensis) Buy seeds

30s – 3 Euro

This is a really cool and rare species that comes out of the direct relationship of Trichocereus tarijensis. In Anderson´s Cactus Lexicon, it is regarded as Echinopsis tarijensis ssp. tarijensis. Now with that said; the photos that I saw looked substantially different. They were more like a mix between a very fat Trichocereus schickendantzii and a Trichocereus shaferi. But it´ll probably take a while until this species is fully understood.

Personally, I think it´s one of the nicest and rarest species I currently have in the shop. It´s hard to get and the quality is excellent. Those seeds are fresh and tested and harvested from nursery grown plants and NOT stolen from nature. 100% quality seeds!  Unfortunately I don´thave a photo but I will try to get one in the next year or two!

Trichocereus narvaezensis (Trichocereus tarijensis) Buy seeds

Trichocereus tarijensis subspecies POCO - Buy seeds

Trichocereus tarijensis subspecies POCO – Buy seeds


Photo: PRIER

30 seeds / 3 Euro

This plant was originally called Trichocereus poco, Echinopsis poco or Helianthocereus poco. It´s a close relative of Trichocereus tarijensis and it is considered to be synonymous with it. There are differences but they are so tiny that I feel like this plant belongs very well into the context of Trichocereus tarijensis. They are amazing plants with beautiful flowers and extra long spines.

Those seeds are extremely fresh and from late 2015´s seed. The germination rate is great and tested and I am happy that I can offer them here in my shop.

Trichocereus tarijensis subspecies POCO - Buy seeds

Trichocereus camarguensis var.nana - Buy seeds

Trichocereus camarguensis var.nana – Buy seeds


Photo: Teguise_Guatiza_-_Jardin

Trichocereus camarguensis is a stunning cactus from South Bolivia. where it grows around Potosi, Tarija and Chuquisaca. Trichocereus camarguensis var. nana originally comes from Karel Knize and it is a smaller version of the standard Tr. camarguensis. Those are high quality seed with high germination rates! Very rare and a great plant to own and to breed with. The photo shows the standard form of Trichocereus camarguensis.

Trichocereus camarguensis var.nana - Buy seeds

Trichocereus tunariensis KK991- Buy seeds

Trichocereus tunariensis KK991- Buy seeds

30s – 3 Euro

This species is one of the newer Trichocereus species. It was described by Cárdenas and comes from Cochobamba in Bolivia. The original species looks like a relative of Trichocereus spachianus and is known to flower early on and repeatedly. This type of seeds is KK991, which is a collection from Cochabamba. It is also called Echinopsis tunariensis.

We grew some plants from older seeds of KK991 and they seemed to be related to Trichocereus bridgesii, which also grows in the area where Tr. tunariensis can be found. So I am not 100% sure whether or not the ID is right, but I will keep you updated as soon as I´ve seen plants grown from this batch of seeds.

Tr. tunariensis KK991
Photo: Zed240 Seedgrown KK991 from an older batch.

The quality of those seeds is extremely fresh and tested! 100% quality seeds!

Trichocereus tunariensis KK991- Buy seeds

Trichocereus cuzcoensis / peruvianus HUANCAVELICA Buy seeds

Trichocereus cuzcoensis / peruvianus HUANCAVELICA Buy seeds

 Trichocereus peruvianus - Arequipa Yura 2
30 seeds – 3 Euro

There only is very little information about this strain other than that it comes from Huancavelica. Huancavelica is a city in the Quechua region of Peru and I personally think that it´s probably some type of Trichocereus cuzcoensis. That said, it could also turn out to be a Tr. peruvianus and we are currently making seedling grafts in order to find out whether or not this is a Cuzcoensis strain.

The seeds are high quality and have great germination rates. I tested them a couple months ago and I had great results. The photo does not show the mother plant, but it´s probably a similar type of plant. Those seeds represent a certain regional type but are nursery produced and not stolen from nature. That´s important to me.

Trichocereus cuzcoensis / peruvianus HUANCAVELICA Buy seeds

Mittwoch, 16. März 2016

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis - Buy seeds

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis – Buy seeds

Trichocereus Tulhuayacensis KK337 Sacred Succulents Hipp 5

Photo: Richard Hipp

30s – 3.00 Euro

This plant is the holy grail of the San Pedro group. It´s a relative of Trichocereus peruvianus and Trichocereus cuzcoensis and is one of the newest species from this group. It was described by Ochoa and originally comes from Huachac. This is KK337 which originally comes from just there.

Those seeds are from nursery produced plants and NOT stolen from nature. It is high quality, ultra-viable seeds that produces 80-95% germinate rate.

Have a look at my germination test that I made to test the quality. It speaks for itself! No mold, no sickly looking seedlings that would scream „KILL ME PLEASE!!!“ if they could. This is some great quality and I am glad I finally have them in stock.


Is this the white flower or the red flower?

Well, I don´t know. This is KK337 and Karel Knize usually called the red type Trichocereus tulhuayacensis var. rubiflora and the white one Trichocereus tulhuayacensis var. albiflora.

At the original site of Tr. tulhuayacensis in Huachac, there are a bunch of white flowering plants and very few red ones and right now I do not know which one it is. To be on the safe side, I only offer those as „white flowering“ variety and I guess we´ll just have to grow them to find out more about them. We are currently making seedling grafts to verify the ID. As soon as I know anything about them, I will let you guys know!

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis - Buy seeds

Dienstag, 15. März 2016

BOOK TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1 Echinopsis book cactus

BOOK TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1 Echinopsis book cactus

400 pages, All-color, 88 Euro + shipping (cover not final / printed product might vary)

TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1 contains over 400 all-color pages and hundreds of photos showing plants, flowers and fruits.

This book is all about the botany and taxonomy of Echinopsis pachanoi and its relatives. It includes classic descriptions as well as new information about Trichocereus pachanoi & its related species like Trichocereus bridgesii, Trichocereus scopulicola, Trichocereus peruvianus or some of the rather unofficial names like Trichocereus huanucoensis or the commercial variety Tom Juuls Giant. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. There are Latin descriptions that I dug out from 100 year old books, macro photos showing flowers and fruits and a practical chapter about the care of this great group of plants! In addition I share some in-depth information about raising Trichocereus plants from seeds and how to germinate them right!

There will only be a very limited number of books available and I expect them to sell out fast.

Also check out the second volume TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 2, which will be published in 2018/2019.

Trichocereus tacaquirensis - Buy Seeds

Trichocereus tacaquirensis – Buy Seeds


30 seeds – 3.00 Euro

This is an extremely rare & fresh type of seeds. Trichocereus tacaquirensis is a close relative of Tr. taquimbalensis. It only grows in Tacaquira, Bolivia, and is very rare in cultivation. Those seeds are extremely fresh and viable and are not stolen from nature! They were produced by help of controlled pollination, what creates a pure cross.

Trichcoereus tacaquirensis was renamed to Echinopsis tacaquirensis in 1974 by Friedrich & Roley, which was undone again meanwhile. If you want to find out more about Trichocereus tacaquirensis and its relationship to Tr. taquimbalensis, you check out this page here.

Trichocereus tacaquirensis is oen of the most beautiful plants from Bolivia and I am proud to have those seeds on the website!

Trichocereus tacaquirensis - Buy Seeds

Samstag, 12. März 2016

Crowdfunding Campaign TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1

Crowdfunding Campaign TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1

Hi guys, I just wanted to take the time to let you all know about the status of my crowd funding campaign for the printing costs of my book TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1: THE SAN PEDRO GROUP. I´ve been working on this book for a few years now and it´s finally getting close to a release date. It´ll have more than 400 all-color pages and will contain hundreds of color pics showing plants from the genus Trichocereus in the habitat, botanic gardens and collections worldwide. There were dozens of well known people helping me with photos for this book and I am extremely proud that I was given the chance to write it! I´ll make sure it´ll be a high quality book that will look awesome on your shelf! There will be descriptions, photos and cultivation advice as well as a detailed guide on how to germinate difficult seed. The book takes a close look at flowers, fruits and old names that are no longer valid. This book contains a whole lot of different species and commercial varieties like Trichocereus pachanoi, Trichocereus peruvianus, Trichocereus bridgesii, Trichocereus scopulicola, Trichocereus tarmaensis, Trichocereus cuzcoensis, Trichocereus huanucoensis, Trichocereus pallarensis and many, many more!

The printing costs are somewhere between 10.000 – 12.000 Euros and that´s why I started the campaign on Indiegogo two days ago. Now after just 2 days, the campaign already reached 50% of its goal and is getting new supporters every single day.

My thanks go out to everyone who supported my campaign…either by buying a copy or just sharing the link or talking about it. I wrote a lot more about the creation process of my book on the campaign page on Indiegogo. You can also buy a copy of it through the following link:

There also are package deals and re-seller packages to make it easier for shops or group-buyers to buy it. The books will be printed in June and the shipping phase begins in June or July. If you are not able to participate in the campaign due to whatever reasons, just let me know and I´ll try to find a way to make it work. It´s important to me that everyone who supports this project will actually get one.

Alright guys, it counts now and if I can´t get the campaign funded, the books won´t look as brilliant as they will when it reaches its goal. So please support this amazing Indie Trichocereus book. The crowdfunding campaign will run for 60 days and I hope to reach the goal within the first 2-3 weeks. If you have any questions or just want to get in touch with me, you can reach me through EG [ät] You can also get in touch with me through our Trichocereus Facebook Group!