Chavin de Huantar Collection Trichocereus Buy 8 different strains
Buy the Chavin de Huantar Pack & the Santa Valley collection in this amazing collection. This collection includes 8 different Trichocereus strains from the Santa Valley, which gives you a 3.50 Euro discount.
All seeds are...
Chavin de Huantar Collection Trichocereus Buy 8 different strains
Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2017
Chavin de Huantar Collection Trichocereus Buy 8 different strains
Matucana Collection - Get 8 different Macrogona strains
Matucana Collection – Get 8 different Macrogona strains
Buy the whole Matucana collection and get two bags for free. This collection includes 8 different strains related to Trichocereus macrogonus ( aka Peruvianus). All seeds are fresh from the current harvest and are wildly limited. I do...
Matucana Collection - Get 8 different Macrogona strains
Dienstag, 5. September 2017
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Cieneguillas Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Cieneguillas Samen
Excellent strain from Cieneguillas with dark blue to gray green skin. Echinopsis macrogona (peruviana). All seeds are tested and very viable.
30 seeds – 3,50 Euro
100 seeds – 10,00 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and the price is automatically...
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Cieneguillas Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Collana Roja Red Spines! Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Collana Roja Red Spines! Samen
Buy some Echinopsis macrogona Collana Roja seeds, aka Red Spine Macrogona (peruviana). Beautiful plants, incredibly unique and the star in every collection. Some of the most favorite strains I ever had in stock and there´s only a tiny...
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Collana Roja Red Spines! Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Sucro Matucana Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Sucro Matucana Samen
Echinopsis macrogona seeds from Sucro. Beautiful strain and incredibly rare. High quality seeds from the current harvest. This is one of the strains that might only be available for once or twice, so make sure to get some while I have them....
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Sucro Matucana Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Pomolargo Samen Matucana
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Pomolargo Samen Matucana
Fresh Echinopsis macrogona seeds from the current harvest. Excellent quality and a beautiful strain. Echinopsis macrogona (peruviana).
30 seeds – 3,50 Euro
100 seeds – 10,00 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and the price is automatically...
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Pomolargo Samen Matucana
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Huariquiña Samen Matucana
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Huariquiña Samen Matucana
Echinopsis macrogona seeds from Matucana. This strain is originally from Huariquina. Beautiful strain which I never had in my shop before. Very high quality and very viable.
30 seeds – 3,50 Euro
100 seeds – 10,00 Euro (just add 3 bags to your...
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Huariquiña Samen Matucana
Montag, 4. September 2017
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Collana pichu Samen
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Collana pichu Samen
These Echinopsis macrogona seeds are incredibly rare and just came in. It´s one of these strains that is worth more than money, simply because it´s the type of strain that is rarely available. Beautiful strain that´s originally from Collana Pichu in...
Echinopsis macrogona Seeds Collana pichu Samen
Freitag, 1. September 2017
Trichocereus pasacana Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus pasacana Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus pasacana seeds, fresh from Catamarca. Really rare and beautiful species. Fresh seeds from the current harvest, excellent quality. Beautiful tree-like species that forms huge stems. Excellent choice if you live in a country where you can...
Trichocereus pasacana Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus gladiatus Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus gladiatus Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus gladiatus seeds, extremely viable and rare. These rare seeds were donated by a close friend in order to support the upcoming release of the new book. It is a rare species that is only available rarely. It´s the first time I have it in...
Trichocereus gladiatus Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus Lance Seeds Samen Cordobensis Scopulicola
Trichocereus Lance Seeds Samen Cordobensis Scopulicola
Fresh Trichocereus Lance Seeds, which is a strain of Trichocereus scopulicola / Cordobensis. Extremely rare, open pollinated with lots of amazing parents nearby.
30 seeds – 3,50 Euro
100 seeds – 10,00 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and...
Trichocereus Lance Seeds Samen Cordobensis Scopulicola
Trichocereus candicans seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus candicans seeds Samen Echinopsis
Fresh Trichocereus candicans seeds from the current harvest.
30 seeds – 3,00 Euro
100 seeds – 8,50 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and the price is automatically discounted)
500 seeds – 38,00 Euro (just add 16 bags to your cart and the price is...
Trichocereus candicans seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus narvaecensis Seeds Narvaezensis Echinopsis tarijensis
Trichocereus narvaecensis Seeds Narvaezensis Echinopsis
Trichocereus narvaecensis seeds from Narvaez. This species is a close relative of Trichocereus tarijensis. Seeds are very hard to get and it´s not clear of these will be available long term. Make sure to get some while I have them.
Trichocereus narvaecensis Seeds Narvaezensis Echinopsis tarijensis
Trichocereus grandiflorus Seeds Samen Echinopsis grandiflora
Trichocereus grandiflorus Seeds Samen Echinopsis grandiflora
Fresh Trichocereus grandiflorus seeds from the current harvest.
Trichocereus grandiflorus is a very important species for hybrid breeding. The flowers are beautiful and good parents in crosses. In addition, they are just great to look...
Trichocereus grandiflorus Seeds Samen Echinopsis grandiflora
Donnerstag, 31. August 2017
Trichocereus werdermannianus Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus werdermannianus Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Fresh Trichocereus werdermannianus seeds from the current harvest. Excellent quality and beautiful plants. Trichocereus werdermannianus is an intermediate between Trichocereus taquimbalensis and Trichocereus terscheckii, and the plants are very...
Trichocereus werdermannianus Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus bertramianus Seeds Samen Echinopsis bertramiana
Trichocereus bertramianus Seeds Samen Echinopsis bertramiana
These Trichocereus bertramianus seeds are from the current harvest. The species was originally described by Curt Backeberg and is part of the Trichocereus tarijensis complex. It is hard to differentiate it from Trichocereus tarijensis,...
Trichocereus bertramianus Seeds Samen Echinopsis bertramiana
Trichocereus glaucus seeds KK336 seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus glaucus seeds KK336 seeds Samen Echinopsis
Fresh Trichocereus glaucus seeds from Peru. This collection number is KK336 from the Rio Tambo. Beautiful plants with dark green epidermis and very variable offspring. This strain is probably not the same as Ritter´s original Trichocereus...
Trichocereus glaucus seeds KK336 seeds Samen Echinopsis
Mittwoch, 30. August 2017
Trichocereus sp. "Cochao" Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus sp. „Cochao“ Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Beautiful strain from Cochao. Columnar plants which are probably part of Trichocereus santaensis in a wider sense. This strain can be very spiny and almost entirely spineless. Some even grow prostrate while some others are rather...
Trichocereus sp. "Cochao" Seeds Samen Echinopsis
Trichocereus poco var. fricianus Seeds Samen Tarijensis
Trichocereus poco var. fricianus Seeds Samen Tarijensis
Genuine Trichocereus poco var. fricianus seeds from Bolivia. As fresh as it gets.
30 seeds – 3,00 Euro
100 seeds – 8,50 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and the price is automatically discounted)
500 seeds – 38,00 Euro (just add 16 bags...
Trichocereus poco var. fricianus Seeds Samen Tarijensis
Armatocereus mataranus Seeds Samen Ancash
Armatocereus mataranus Seeds Samen Ancash
Armatocereus mataranus is a remarkable columnar cactus from Peru. This strain is often called Armatocereus mataranus ssp. ancashensis, which refers to the city Ancash in Peru. Plants from this genus are incredibly rare and I might not get this strain...
Armatocereus mataranus Seeds Samen Ancash
Donnerstag, 10. August 2017
Trichocereus terscheckii (Echinopsis terscheckii)
Trichocereus terscheckii (Echinopsis terscheckii)
Origin: Trichocereus terscheckii is a variable species that is a catch-all name for a variety of different forms, some of which form intermediates with other species like Trichocereus atacamensis, Trichocereus taquimbalensis, Trichocereus...
Trichocereus terscheckii (Echinopsis terscheckii)
Dienstag, 8. August 2017
Trichocereus arboricola (Echinopsis arboricola)
Trichocereus arboricola (Echinopsis arboricola)
Current name: Echinopsis arboricola (Kimnach) Mottram
Origin: Bolivia, Argentina, Type locality: Tarija in Bolivia, 600-1000 meters altitude
Trichocereus arboricola is more of an Epiphyt instead of a normal Trichocereus and is often grown like a...
Trichocereus arboricola (Echinopsis arboricola)
Trichocereus macrogonus - Echinopsis macrogona
Trichocereus macrogonus – Echinopsis macrogona
cereus macrogonus SD. Cact. Hort. Dyck.Cult.
Current name: Echinopsis macrogona, disputed by some authors and redescribed as Trichocereus macrogonus. The whole genus Trichocereus is currently being revised and it´ll take a good 10 years till...
Trichocereus macrogonus - Echinopsis macrogona
Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2017
Trichocereus cordobensis Seeds (Trichocereus scopulicola)
Trichocereus cordobensis Seeds (Trichocereus scopulicola) (New Batch)
30 seeds – 3,00 Euro
100 seeds – 8,50 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and the price is automatically discounted)
500 seeds – 38,00 Euro (just add 16 bags to your cart and the price is automatically discounted)
1000 seeds –...
Trichocereus cordobensis Seeds (Trichocereus scopulicola)
Freitag, 2. Juni 2017
Trichocereus sp. Huantar Seeds Samen
Trichocereus sp. Huantar Seeds Samen
Hey guys, I wanted to post some more photos of Trichocereus sp. Huantar, one of the best strains available in my shop.
30 seeds – 3,50 Euro
100 seeds – 10,00 Euro (just add 3 bags to your cart and the price is automatically discounted)
500 seeds – 38,00...
Trichocereus sp. Huantar Seeds Samen
Sonntag, 21. Mai 2017
Trichocereus Promo Shirts from Our Campaign
Trichocereus Promo Shirts from Our Campaign
TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 2 ShirtsHey guys, here are some of the Trichocereus promo shirts for the upcoming book. Once again we will have a campaign on Indiegogo and the best 6 or 7 shirts will be available exclusively through the campaign. I haven´t decided...
Promo shirts for the upcoming book SAN PEDRO HYBRIDS
Freitag, 19. Mai 2017
Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds Samen La Paz
Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds Samen La Paz
Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds from La Paz, fresh quality and very viable.
Beautiful strain from the type locality of the species, La Paz in Bolivia. Very typical in appearance and hard to get.
30 seeds – 3,00 Euro
100 seeds – 8,50 Euro (just add 3 bags to...
Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds Samen La Paz
Montag, 15. Mai 2017
Trichocereus peruvianus Lucma Seeds Samen
Trichocereus peruvianus Lucma Seeds Samen
Trichocereus peruvianus from Lucma is one one of the new strains I have in stock. So far, there are only a few photos but this strain seems to be close to T. peruvianus. That said, most plants from that area have some degree of T. santaensis in them....
Trichocereus peruvianus Lucma Seeds Samen
Trichocereus pallarensis Seeds Samen North Peru
Trichocereus pallarensis Seeds Samen North Peru
This strain from North Peru is what Ritter once described as Trichocereus pallarensis. Spiny Trichocereus species from North Peru, around the area of Machcas, Machac and surrounding areas. Beautiful strain with very long spines, which is kinda...
Trichocereus pallarensis Seeds Samen North Peru
Trichocereus Pumacayan Echinopsis
Trichocereus Pumacayan Echinopsis
Trichocereus PumacayanIf you like the genus Trichocereus, check out the article about various Trichocereus plants from the Santa Valley. These belong to T. santaensis in a wider sense.....
Trichocereus pachanoi Pumacayan Seeds Samen San Pedro
Donnerstag, 11. Mai 2017
The new Echinopsis and Trichocereus Database Wiki
The new Echinopsis and Trichocereus Database Wiki
We started a new Echinopsis and Trichocereus Database. It´s a project that´s open for everyone.
Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know that I´ve been working on a new Trichocereus and Echinopsis database. The website can be found at...
The new Echinopsis and Trichocereus Database Wiki
Mittwoch, 10. Mai 2017
Trichocereus huarazensis Seeds Samen Huaraz
Trichocereus huarazensis seeds from Huaraz, Peru.
Trichocereus huarazensis, a close relative of Echinopsis santaensis from Peru. It is not the same as the clone T. huarazensis from Knize, but...
Trichocereus huarazensis Seeds Samen Huaraz
Freitag, 28. April 2017
Myrtillocactus geometrizans Seeds Samen
Myrtillocactus geometrizans Seeds Samen
Homegrown Myrtillocactus geometrizans seeds from the current harvest. Myrtillocactus is a beautiful column that is extensively used as grafting stock. It is also very popular among Japanese specialist growers that use it because it sometimes produces...
Myrtillocactus geometrizans Seeds Samen
Montag, 24. April 2017
Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds Samen
Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds Samen
New Trichocereus scopulicola hybrid seeds from Australia! Freshly harvested and premium quality. This cross brings together a Trichocereus scopulicola with a Trichocereus bridgesii…excellent cross and we expect a fantastic...
Trichocereus scopulicola x Trichocereus bridgesii Seeds Samen
Samstag, 22. April 2017
Dienstag, 14. Februar 2017
Trichocereus sp. SAN MARCOS - Some more photos
Trichocereus sp. SAN MARCOS – Some more photos
Here are some photos showing the Trichocereus sp. SAN MARCOS, which belongs into the wider context of Trichocereus santaensis. These plants are also closely related to the plants known as Trichocereus huanucoensis and Chavin de Huantar. They...
Trichocereus sp. SAN MARCOS - Some more photos
New Trichocereus photos from Chavin de Huantar
New Trichocereus photos from Chavin de Huantar
Hey guys, wanted to share these new Trichocereus photos from Chavin de Huantar. Thanks to my friends from Chavin, Gracias por las fotos, mis amigos de Chavin. 😉
Some of the photos do not show plants from the genus Trichocereus, but most of them do....
New Trichocereus photos from Chavin de Huantar
Sonntag, 5. Februar 2017
Buy a copy of my book TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1. It is THE new book on the subject, written by an expert that´s been studying these plants for the past 20 years. The book ccontains hundreds of photos and descriptions of all species connected to...TRICHOCEREUS Book Patrick Noll
Samstag, 21. Januar 2017
The book THE GENUS LOPHOPHORA contains hundreds of photos and original descriptions of all species related to Lophophora williamsii. The book includes fascinating photos that show these wonderful plants in habitat or in collections from all over the world and helps you ...
Dienstag, 17. Januar 2017
TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1 books in stock! Taking orders now!
TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1 books in stock! Taking orders now!
The TRICHOCEREUS VOLUME 1 books are in! Taking orders now!
Hi guys, the books have finally arrived! I am glad to announce that the sale of my book THE SAN PEDRO GROUP has officially started and I am taking orders now. It will take a few weeks until all preordered books are shipped, but I am already w...
TRICHOCEREUS books in stock! Taking orders now!