Dienstag, 15. November 2016

Trichocereus escayachensis seeds Samen

Trichocereus escayachensis seeds Samen

These Trichocereus escayachensis seeds are fresh from the recent harvest! The seeds are very viable and the species is extremely rare outside of Bolivia. It is partially synonymous with some regional forms of Trichocereus werdermannianus. Some more synonyms for this species are Helianthocereus escayachensis and Echinopsis escayachensis.

Trichocereus escayachensis seeds Samen werdermannianus Ritter

Foto: Trichocereus werdermannianus (Friedrich Ritter)

30 seeds – 3,00 Euro

100 seeds – 8,50 Euro

500 seeds – 38,00 Euro

1000 seeds – 68,00 Euro

Trichocereus escayachensis seeds Samen

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