Samstag, 25. Juli 2015

Trichocereus Tarmaensis

Trichocereus Tarmaensis

SAB Trichocereus Tarmaensis KK2148 Echinopsis knize

This is a really, really rare type from Peru. Trichocereus Tarmaensis was an amazing type of Trichocereus that is close to the San Pedro & Peruvian Torch Group. It grows around Tarma in Peru at approximatelyy 3000 meters and reaches a size of up to 2 meters.

Currently, I do not know of any other source who has them for sale and I am really happy being able to offer them here.

Trichocereus Tarmaensis is very close to Trichocereus Cuzcoensis and looks similar to it. Though this is an unbelievably cool cactus, this goes more towards Cuzcoensis than Peruvianus. The plant belongs to the San Pedro Group and is actually a direct neighbor to Trichocereus Tulhuayacensis, who looks exactly like this one.

Quality: The seed quality is okay. I am offering 60 seeds for 3,00 which is double the amount that I usually send because the germination rate isn´t as high as my other San Pedro seeds. However, this seed is absolutely viable and is extremely rare! This is such a rare type that it´s basically unavailable on the open market.

If you want to learn more about Trichocereus Tarmaensis, check out the species page here:

60 seeds – 3,00 Euro

Trichocereus Tarmaensis

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