Dienstag, 12. April 2016

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis Bulk Seeds 1000 Seeds

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis Bulk Seeds 1.000 Seeds

Trichocereus Tulhuayacensis KK337 Sacred Succulents Hipp 1

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis always was the holy grail of all the Trichocereus species. It only grows at one location in Huachac, and was totally unavailable in the past years. Sacred Succulents has a plant in stock, but as an international customer it was not possible for me to import it. This year was the first year that I was able to buy seeds of this extremely rare species.

So far, there is only little i can tell you about it, other than that I bought it KK337 Trichocereus tulhuayacensis. The species usually has a pink flower, but there also are white flowering plants at the original site in Huachac and right now I do not know which one of the two possibilities it is. We are currently making some seedling grafts to verify the ID and as soon as we have our first results we will share them here with you. Right now, I can´t guarantee that those will have a pink flower and I offer them as white flowering just to be sure.

The quality of the seeds is ultra-high quality. My germination tests were amazing and I almost had 90-100% germinate rate. It honestly couldnt be any better. The seeds were very well cleaned and I had absolutely no issues with rot or fungus.

Those seeds were not taken from nature. They are nursery produced by a breeder who originally got his plants from Knize, who offered KK337 as KK337 var. rubriflorus and KK337 var. albiflora. The plants that were shown to me definitely fit the description of this species.

Do you want buy other Trichocereus & San Pedro Seeds? Check out all the products in the shop!

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Trichocereus tulhuayacensis Bulk Seeds 1000 Seeds

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