Mittwoch, 13. April 2016

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis Buy Bulk 100 Seeds

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis Buy Bulk 100 Seeds

Trichocereus Tulhuayacensis KK337 Sacred Succulents Hipp 5

100 Seeds – 9.00 Euro

This product is the same as the other Trichocereus tulhuayacensis products. Just in 100s quantity with a better price to make sure you get more seedlings! Trichocereus tulhuayacensis only grows on one site in Huachac. The location is close to the one of KK338 Trichocereus peruvianus and the whole plant is somewhere between Trichocereus cuzcoensis and Trichocereus peruvianus.

This is KK337 Trichocereus tulhuayacensis and the seeds are nursery produced and not from nature. KK337 comes in two different types. One with a white flower and one with a red one. I am not sure which one it is, so I am offering this explicitely as the white flowering variety to make sure there are no bad surprises when they flower. It´s an amazingly rare species and I am extremely happy to have it in the shop. The seeds are ultra viable and I nearly had a 100 percent germination rate in my germination tests. When buying those seeds, you buy a great quality for a great price. I had no problems with rot or fungal infections and the seeds are super clean.

Trichocereus tulhuayacensis Buy Bulk 100 Seeds

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