Montag, 22. Januar 2018

Intergeneric hybrid between a Trichocereus and Echinopsis/Pseudolobivia

Intergeneric hybrid between a Trichocereus and Echinopsis/Pseudolobivia

New promo photo from the new book. This time it´s an intergeneric hybrid involving San Pedro made by Andreas Wessner. It´s an incredible hybrid and I am proud to have it in my collection. There´s loads of photos in the new book and you´ll totally love it. The flower is salmon colored and just as tasteful as the overall look. The plant has a typical Trichocereus body, but the spines look a lot like the spines on the father. Great hybrid.

So yeah, we wee your help to fund the production of this beautiful and unique book. A book that would stand no chance to be made by the conventional book market because it´s not mainstream enough! Get the book and the extras at

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