Donnerstag, 30. April 2015

Trichocereus Strigosus

Trichocereus Strigosus

Synonyms: Cereus Strigonus, Echinopsis Strigonus, Cereus Myriophyllus, Trichocereus Strigonus,

This plant grows in direct neighborhood with Trichocereus Candicans and was cataloged by Gilles in 1833. But back then, the plant was not described until 1834 when Salm-Dyck took the effort to write a complete description. Trichocereus Strigosus and Trichocereus Candicans both grow around Mendoza. The original name was Cereus Myriophyllus (Gilles) but it was changed to Trichocereus Strigosus because it was based on a nomen nudum and that´s why Salm-Dyck´s description has priority over the older name Cereus Myriophyllus.

Flower: Up to 20 centimeters large, white. Trichocereus Strigosus is a night flowering species. It also is self-sterile, what means that you need pollen from another donor to produce seeds. Please not that there is a white form of Trichocereus Strigosus.The white flowering variety of this plant grows at around 1600 meters altitude. The plant is pupping from the base and only reaches around 60-65 centimeters in height.

Ribs: Trichocereus Strigonus has 15-20 ribs and the shoots have a maximum diameter of 5-8 centimeters.

The Areoles are white/beige felted and reach a maximum diameter of 5mm. Every areole are approximately 3-6 mm apart from each other.

Spines: Yellow, very thin and fine spines, up to 3 centimeters long, 10-15 radial spines and 2-5 middle spines that can get up to 5,5 centimeters long. The plant has very long and fierce spines.

In addition, there are some other forms/varieties. One of them was originally known as Trichocereus Strigonus var. Flaviflorus and only occurs in Famatina, Province La Rioja in Argentina. This type has a yellow flower and is day flowering. The flowers are between 12-14 centimeters large. The yellow flowering variety grows a couple hundred meters below the white flowering one. In addition, the yellow flower is shorter.

Cultivation: The species is very rare in cultivation, though it sometimes shows up in cactus collections all around the world. The plant should be kept relatively dry, though it can be watered in the summer when it´s pretty hot. As it grows in the neighborhood of Trichocereus Candicans, it requires similar conditions. Trichocereus Strigonus likes getting a fair amount of sun light but shouldn´t be baked in full sun all day long. They usually grow in semi-shade and can form amazing clusters.

Seed & live cutting sources: Trichocereus Strigonus is very far, but seed sellers have it in stock every now and then. I bought seed from Köhres a couple of years before and I am pretty sure that Kakteen Haage or Uhlig will have some of them every now and then too. The plants are really rare on ebay but it sometimes happens that they show up as Trichocereus sp. Without the flower, it´s definitely a hard to ID species.

Winter protection and frost tolerance: Trichocereus Strigonus is able to take a light amount of frost but everything lower than -5° celsius is dangerous and can lead to permanent damage or death. Plants need to be kept completely dry if the temperatures drop below 10° celsius/50° Fahrenheit and it´s best to keep them in a bright, well ventilated area. The minimum average temperature is 10° celsius.

Seed germination: The seed germinates very easy, if it´s actually fresh. Especially with those rarer Trichos, there are problems regarding the viability of the seeds. I think Succeed has them in stock too and if possible, ask the seller in advance if he knows how old the seed is. That´s a good rule of thumb anyway and these days, I do it for all my seed orders.

1280px-Echinopsis_strigosa_(1)“Echinopsis strigosa” by Ryan Somma

Echinopsis_strigosa_(8417473500)Vela de la Virgen, Trichocereus strigosa, La Rioja desert – Picture “Echinopsis strigosa by Dick Culbert –


Echinopsis strigosa” by Ryan Somma – Echinopsis strigosa



Trichocereus Strigosus

Mittwoch, 29. April 2015

Trichocereus Smrzianus

Trichocereus Smrzianus – Echinopsis Smrzianus Backeberg

Backeberg described this plant in his KAKTUS ABC, a book that was not really widely available. Besides the species is highly controversial because this plant is probably synonymous with some forms of Soehrensia.

Synonyms: Trichocereus Smrziana, Soehrensia Smrziana, Soehrensia Smrzianus, Echinopsis Smrzianus

Origin: Argentina, Salta

Description: Grows alone or in groups of larger clusters. It has a large, round body and reaches a maximum diameter of 2 meters and can get up to 60-70 centimeters tall. The plant is extremely variable and can grow like a clustering cactus or in a columnar way, very similar to Trichocereus Spachianus. It has between 10-15 ribs and only grows at one locaction at the location of the typus. That makes this cactus extremely rare, though it is generally available and sometimes shows up in cactus collections. The fact that the plant has so many ribs, makes it distinguishable from plants like Trichocereus Candicans or Spachianus. The bigger the plants get, the broader the ribs are, what gives it a very typical Soehrensia look and it´s definitely closer to Soehrensia than to Trichocereus.

Spines: The very thin spines are usually yellow to white. Plants can have between 8-15 spines on one areole but Trichocereus Smrzianus is extremely variable, what makes it so hard to ID. However, the fact that it only grows on one location in Chachipampa should make the id pretty easy. It has betwen 1-4 middle spines that are up to 3 centimeters long.

Flowers: Trichocereus Smrzianus flowers white. The plant flowers from the upper part of the body, what you can see on the featured image very well. The flowers get between 10-20 centimeters long and look very similar to the ones on Trichocereus Tarijensis.

Fruit: Trichocereus Smrzianus has a round, green fruit that is between 2-5 centimeters in diameter and taste very nicely. The name is a really bad example of how a name should not be. Not sure how it is in your language but in mine, it sounds like you get a seizure while biting your tongue off.

The taxonomic status of the genus Soehrensia was very inconsistent and taxonomists have moved them back and forth from Trichocereus to Echinopsis a couple times now. After the merger with Echinopsis, taxonomy went full circle and re-declared Soehrensia as an accepted genus and it seems like it might stay like that. However, the plant is definitely close to Trichocereus Tarijensis and it´s definitely possible that Trichocereus Smrzianus is just a natural hybrid between Trichocereus Tarijensis and another plant from it´s direct neighborhood.

Emőke Dénes Echinopsis_smrziana_-_Kew_Gardens_1Emőke Dénes Echinopsis_smrziana_-_Kew_Gardens

Oslo Sukkulentforening Soehrensia_smrzianaOslo Sukkulentforening Soehrensia_smrziana

by Michael Wolf Echinopsis_smrziana_02

by Michael Wolf Echinopsis smrziana

by Michael Wolf Echinopsis_smrziana_01

Trichocereus Smrzianus

Montag, 27. April 2015

Cereus sp, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010

Cereus sp, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010

Pic: Ben Kamm,

224 Cereus sp, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

Cereus sp, descent to Chujllas, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010

Lobivia sp, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010

Lobivia sp, Puya habitat near Rodeo,  Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010

Copyright: Ben Kamm,

282 Cactaceae seedlings, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

283 Cactaceae, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

285 Cactaceae, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

286 Cactaceae, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

Lobivia sp, Puya habitat near Rodeo, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010

Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia

 Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B. Kamm

348 Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

349 Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

347 Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010 copyright B

Rebutia sp, Rio Lope Mendoza, Cochabamba, Bolivia

BK09508.4 Borzicactus fieldianus, Chavin, Ancash, Peru

 BK09508.4 Borzicactus fieldianus, Chavin, Ancash, Peru

Copyright Ben Kamm,

216 BK09508

217 BK09508

218 BK09508

BK09508.4 Borzicactus fieldianus, Chavin, Ancash, Peru

Haageocereus sp, Matucana, Peru

Haageocereus sp, Matucana, Peru

Picture: Ben Kamm,


Haageocereus sp, Matucana, Peru

Melted Wax Pachanoi

Melted Wax Pachanoi

I have no Idea if this is actually the right term and I would appreciate it if you could let me know in case you know more about this cultivar and/want to donate more pics about it. It is something between Pachanoi and Peruvianus and doesnt seem to be the same as the melted wax Bridgesii that is passed around in the growing scene. This is very similar to the monstrose peruvianus cultivar that has been around for ages and which can also be seen on the SS Field Trip Pics in a botanical garden. Sacred Succulents offer this type on their plant list but I currently do not remember the exact label, but I will add that later on.

Apart from that, it grows pretty much like a standard Pachanoi!



Melted Wax Pachanoi

BK08530.1 Mahueniopsis boliviana, Tambillo, Bolivia

BK08530.1 Mahueniopsis boliviana, Tambillo, Bolivia

Copyright Ben Kamm,, 2008

I know this has nothing to do with Trichocereus but I want to add it because people received seed of that BK Field Trip and I thought they´d appreciate seeing the motherplant!

189 BK08530

190 BK08530.1 Mahueniopsis boliviana, Tambillo, Bolivia

BK08530.1 Mahueniopsis boliviana, Tambillo, Bolivia

BK08602.2 Lobivia sp. Isla del Sol, Bolivia

BK08602.2 Lobivia sp. Isla del Sol, BoliviaBK08602.2 Lobivia sp. Isla del Sol, Bolivia

Copyright: Ben Kamm,

208 BK08602

209 BK08602

BK08602.2 Lobivia sp. Isla del Sol, Bolivia

Trichocereus Santiaguensis Monstruosa

So this clone is around for at least 20 years and it was long though to be a monstrose Pachanoi or Peruvianus. However, this was originally grown from Trichocereus Santiaguensis seed, which is synonymous with Trichocereus Spachianus. It is also called green peperoni cactus and I once obtained a cutting labeled Trichocereus peperone.

Now let´s summarize what this plant is synonymous with:

  • Trichocereus spachianus monstrousa

  • Trichocereus Santiaguensis monstruosa

  • Cereus santiaguensis  monstruosa

  • Cereus spachianus monstruosa

  • Trichocereus santiaguensis monstruosa

  • Echinopsis santiaguensis  monstruosa

Please note that this is NOT synonymous with Trichocereus Santaensis, which rather is some kind of San Pedro Hybrid or Intermediate.

Some also label this Trichocereus Santiagoensis monstruosa but I rather think that this is some kind of a spelling error.

The plant grows mostly spineless and looks like a very thick spineless variety of a TBM. This plant is really rare and is not related to the two similar looking Lophocereus monstruosa cultivars that exist too.

The spines are light brown and look like the spines on a standard Spachianus.

I am not sure how it got into cultivation but it is believed that this is actually a nursery-produced cultivar.


Trichocereus Echinopsis Santiaguensis Cristate Monstrose 237

Trichocereus Echinopsis Santiaguensis Cristate Monstrose3aa

Trichocereus Echinopsis Santiaguensis Cristate Monstrose 40

Trichocereus Santiaguensis Monstruosa

BK08520.4 Austrocylindropuntia floccosa & BK08520.1 Festuca Taucca, Peru

BK08520.4 Austrocylindropuntia floccosa & BK08520.1 Festuca Taucca, Peru

Copyright: Ben Kamm, Sacred

66 BK08520

65 BK08520

BK08520.4 Austrocylindropuntia floccosa & BK08520.1 Festuca Taucca, Peru

BK08521.10 Corryocactus erectus

BK08521.10 Corryocactus erectus

Copryight: Ben Kamm,

100 BK08521


BK08521.10 Corryocactus erectus

Echinopsis bridgesii, Huachjilla, Bolivia


Echinopsis bridgesii, Huachjilla, Bolivia

Pic: Ben Kamm, Sacred Succulents


Echinopsis bridgesii, Huachjilla, Bolivia

BK08606.6 Yungasocereus inquisivensis, Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia

BK08606.6 Yungasocereus inquisivensis, Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia

Copyright: Ben Kamm,

239 BK08606

237 BK08606

238 BK08606

BK08606.6 Yungasocereus inquisivensis, Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia

BK08606.3 Cleistocactus sp. Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia

BK08606.3 Cleistocactus sp. Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia

Copyright: Ben Kamm,

243 BK08606

BK08606.3 Cleistocactus sp. Pasto Grande, Yungas, Bolivia

BK08611.1 Cleistocactus xylorhizus, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru

BK08611.1 Cleistocactus xylorhizus, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru

Copyright: Ben Kamm,

268 BK08611

269 BK08611

BK08611.1 Cleistocactus xylorhizus, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru

BK08611.3 Haageocereus tenuis, Jardin Botanico, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru

BK08611.3 Haageocereus tenuis, Jardin Botanico, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru

Copyright: Ben Kamm,

 273 BK08611

272 BK08611

BK08611.3 Haageocereus tenuis, Jardin Botanico, Parque de las Leyendas, Lima, Peru

Matucana haynei, Matucana, Peru

Matucana haynei, Matucana, Peru

Copyright: Ben Kamm,


Matucana haynei, Matucana, Peru

Haageocereus, Vilcabamba, Ecuador (N. Logan)

Haageocereus, Vilcabamba, Ecuador (N. Logan)

Copyright: Neil Logan, Sacred Succulents


Haageocereus, Vilcabamba, Ecuador (N. Logan)

Oreocereus pseudofossulatus, Bolivia (N. Logan)

Oreocereus psuedofossulatus, Bolivia (N. Logan)

Copyright: Neil Logan, Sacred Succulents



Oreocereus pseudofossulatus, Bolivia (N. Logan)

Trichocereus Thelegonus

Trichocereus Thelegonus H.Friedrich & GD Rowley

New name: Echinopsis thelegona

Origin: Argentina, Tucumán, Salta, 5500-1100 meters altitude

Synonyms: Trichocereus Thelegona, Trichocereus Thelegonus, Echinopsis thelegonus, Echinopsis thelegona, Cereus thelegona, Cereus thelegonus

Branchy, creeping cactus that only builds a handful of shoots. It can reach a maximal height of 2,2 meters and can get up to 10 centimeters in diameter on very old plants. The plant has 13-15 ribs and is characterized by it´s very dominant areoles, that sit in top of some extremely angular bumps. It´s look is very typical and once you got used to the plant, it´s very hard to overlook or mis-identify it.

Trichocerus Thelegonus has rounded areoles and yellow to dark brown spines. Old growth tends to change its color to a more blackish tone, similar to how Trichocereus Cuzcoensis´spine color changes to a blackish gray on old spine growth. It usually has one and in some very rare cases, two middle spines. There are between 5-8 radial spines that can reach up to 2,5 centimeters in lenght.

FLOWER: Trichocereus Thelegonus is a nightflowering species that flowers very similar to other Trichocereus species. The flower is white and gets up to 22 centimeters long and I measured a staggering 17 centimeters in diameter. Besides, the flower is very beautiful and smells really good!

Fruits: The fruits of Trichocereus Thelegonus are round and have reddish brown hairs. The fruits are reddish and can reach 6 centimeters in diameter.

Trichocereus Thelegonus or Echinopsis Thelegonais self-sterile and it needs pollen from other plants to produce seed.

by daderot Echinopsis_thelegona_(Washington_DC)Echinopsis Thelegona Cristata by Daderot

chhe -EchinopsisThelegona Emoke denes -_Echinopsis_thelegona_1by Emoke denes Echinopsis_thelegona

emoke denes_Echinopsis_thelegona_2bernard loison Echinopsis_thelegona1MTFL

bernard loison Echinopsis_thelegona

by dick culbert Echinopsis_thelegonaby Dick Cullbert

Echinopsis Thelegona Flower color

Echinopsis thelegona kaktus cactus

Trichocereus Thelegonus Marienkäfer Ladybug

Trichocereus thelegona samen

Echinopsis Thelegona Blüte

Trichocereu Thelegona Echinopsis Thelegona

Trichocereus Thelegonus Flower Bluete

Pics: Noah Reams

Trichocereus Thelegonus