Samstag, 30. Mai 2015

Eileen - Trichocereus Bridgesii Clone

EILEEN – Trichocereus Bridgesii

Eileen is one of the most popular Clones that were spread through the SAB Trading Forums and became very well known among the Trichocereus – Growers Worldwide!

Eileen was originally distributed by the Member reshroomED. As already mentioned, EILEEN is a TRICHOCEREUS BRIDGESII  with rather short golden spines. Apart from that, it looks like a pretty typical Trichocereus Bridgesii but flowers very rarely for most australian Growers. Nonetheless, Flowers have already been reported and some People managed to actively breed with it.

Buy seeds or plants of Eileen: The Eileen clone is one of the rarest that are known in the australian Trichocereus community. Please note that though many of those clones are Australian clones, it is my goal to make them more known throughout the rest of the world. Whenever this plant turns up on platforms like Ebay, the prices are insane. I saw one auction going for 100+ dollars and I havent seen one of them ever since. There are very few breeders who actively breed with this plant, though I am not aware of giving some seeds or cuttings away right now. If I was looking for an Eileen Cutting or seeds, my first guess would be to ask at the SAB forum or our Trichocereus Facebook group . Every now and then, there are people who give away really rare cuttings or seeds.

How to recognize Eileen? The biggest help to ID the plant is the weird spination. It has very short spines for a Bridgesii, especially on older specimens. It has double-spination, what makes this clone easy to ID.



t bridge eileen 1

eileen 3

t bridge eileen





Eileen - Trichocereus Bridgesii Clone

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