Donnerstag, 17. März 2016

Trichocereus puquiensis - Buy Seeds

Trichocereus puquiensis – Buy Seeds

30s – 3 Euros

Trichocereus puquiensis is a close relative of Tr. pachanoi and Tr. peruvianus. The original species is probably closer to Trichocereus pachanoi than it is to Trichocereus peruvianus, but there are many different forms of this plant in Puquio and the number of ribs differs greatly among them. Trichocereus puquiensis is known for its high rib count, but there also are regional forms that only have five ribs.

Those seeds are KK1689 Trichocereus puquiensis and were listed as a 5-ribbed variety/form of Trichocereus puquiensis. What we grew from older seed batches of KK1689 was similar to Tr. puquiensis, but also had a definite connection to Tr. cuzcoensis.

I included some pics that show the version with the 8-10 ribs as well as the one that only has five or six ribs at max. Definitely an interesting plant and very rare to find.

Trichocereus puquiensis - Buy Seeds

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