Donnerstag, 31. März 2016

HB01 (Trichocereus puquiensis)

HB01 (Trichocereus puquiensis)

Trichocereus HB01 is a clone that originally comes from the Australian Shop HERBALISTICS. The plant was sourced from a garden in the Australian city Gatton in Queensland. The clone is usually short spined, but can get more spiny at a larger size.

I originally described this clone as some kind of Tr. peruvianus. Looking back, this was probably not the case. Through my extensive research for my book, I spent a lot of time researching Trichocereus puquiensis and I feel like the HB01 clone is very similar to what I know as Tr. puquiensis from Ritter´s old description. It basically is a long-spine Pachanoi that tends to have a higher number of ribs. Tr. puquiensis has usually 8 – 10 ribs and the pics that I got from the SAB member LHB2444 it definitely fits the description. It also has the orange spines that do NOT have swollen spine bases. That´s actually very typical for Tr. puquiensis as well.

t peru HB01

t peru HB01 1

The photos below (Zed240) show a plant that was labeled HB01 but looks a little bit different and has substantially longer spines as the one in the first two pics. That being said, there is a great variability within all the Trichocereus species, so I would not be surprised if that difference in spine length is caused by environmental factors. There also are 5 – 6 ribbed plants from Puquio and this second plant might be one of them. But no matter if the HB01 clone is actually a Trichocereus puquiensis or a Trichocereus peruvianus, it definitely as an amazing plant that will look awesome in your collection. You can find the description and photos of Tr. puquiensis here!

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__006Photos: Zed240

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__008

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__007

Trichocereus Peruvianus_HB01 Zed__005


HB01 (Trichocereus puquiensis)

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