Donnerstag, 17. März 2016

Trichocereus tarijensis subspecies POCO - Buy seeds

Trichocereus tarijensis subspecies POCO – Buy seeds


Photo: PRIER

30 seeds / 3 Euro

This plant was originally called Trichocereus poco, Echinopsis poco or Helianthocereus poco. It´s a close relative of Trichocereus tarijensis and it is considered to be synonymous with it. There are differences but they are so tiny that I feel like this plant belongs very well into the context of Trichocereus tarijensis. They are amazing plants with beautiful flowers and extra long spines.

Those seeds are extremely fresh and from late 2015´s seed. The germination rate is great and tested and I am happy that I can offer them here in my shop.

Trichocereus tarijensis subspecies POCO - Buy seeds

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