Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015

Chemical Shaman´s D*ck (Trichocereus bridgesii)

Chemical Shaman´s D*ck (Trichocereus bridgesii) (UPDATE DEC 2015)

NO, that is not supposed to read „DUCK“. 😉

Chemical Shamans D*ck aka CSD is a new Clone that was introduced by SAB Member Ferret, who brought it into circulation in honor of the Member Chemical Shaman, who unfortunately passed away.

According to Ferret, the Clone was grown from a batch of Trichocereus bridgesii Seed, which were provided by the NOOK Member BEEKER.

The Clones Characteristics are a very stunted, almost monstrous Look with a very unique Spination, which is very unlike other Trichocereus bridgesii. Besides, if seen from above, the Plant has a Look that reminds of a Lophophora williamsii, which is WAY COOl!

At this point, we couldn´t observe a flower yet, but will certainly add Flower Pics as soon as we get some.

The copyright on all those pics belongs to SAM, who donated those pics for the database!

chemical shamans Dck

chemical shaman dck 7

chemical shaman dck 9

chemical shaman dck7

chemical shamans dck 2

Chemical Shamans Dck 3

chemical shaman dck 6

UPDATE December 2015:

CSD Saltbush Sam 2

CSD Saltbush Sam











Chemical Shaman´s D*ck (Trichocereus bridgesii)

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