Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015

Trichocereus pachanoi BOGAN

Trichocereus pachanoi BOGAN

The Bogan clone has 0ne of the funniest backgrounds of all the clones that are known in the community. It all goes back to the year 2006, when the SAB Member DuG discovered a very cool type of (back then, suspected Trichocereus macrogonus) growing in front of a house. He initially asked for a cutting (which he was lucky enough to get) and next time he got there, he realized that the large motherplants had been hacked down by the „bogan“ homeowners. And not only had they hacked them down, but they also tried to burn them. He immediately asked if he could take them with him and they were more than happy to get rid of them…because…you know, cacti don´t burn so well. Here is DuG´s original picture on SAB just to show you how they were looking back then.

Trichocereus Pachanoi BoganTrichocereus Pachanoi Bogan 2Trichocereus Pachanoi Bogan 3

Copyright DuG, have a look at the complete Thread on SAB here!

Well yeah, and the plant was passed down from DuG to many other SAB members, of which some of them still grow them today. Copyright Prier.

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Trichocereus Pachanoi Bogan_2

So far, I havent seen a flower pic but I will certainly update this page as soon as I get some. The plants usually have a very bright green epidermis and look very much like the Ecuadorian types. On the earlier pics, they looked a lot more like a peruvianus, but this clone shows it´s genetics on the young growth. But for a pachanoi, it can get very long spines and it definitely is a very cool plant!

Where to buy seeds or plants: Well, I am currently not aware of any real sources for this plant, but I hope to get some seeds sometime soon.. You can ask the SAB customer service to find out if they have any of them in stock. But apart from that, I´d make a posting at SAB or our Trichocereus Facebook Group and ask about them. Because DuG gave away quite a few of them and there still are breeders who have them in their collection.


Trichocereus pachanoi BOGAN

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