Mittwoch, 6. Januar 2016

Omar (Trichocereus)

Omar (Trichocereus / Echinopsis)

Omar is a Trichocereus clone from Australia.

OMAR is a Trichocereus pachanoi clone that was most likely brought into circlulation by the former SAB members REV or Gomaos. The plant was also offered by the SAB shop, where it was sold alongside a similar hybrid called ALF. That leaves room for speculation and it´s possible that both plants (OMAR & ALF) were grown from the same seed pod or at least, were representatives of the same regional type. I personally have trouble looking at OMAR without seen anything but the well known PC Pachanoi „clone“, which is probably Friedrich  Ritter´s TRICHOCEREUS RIOMIZQUENSIS from Bolivia. This PC (short for predominate cultivar, as it is the most common type of Pachanoi throughout North America) is widely distributed all over Australia as well.

OMAR has the same yellowish look that almost all Tr. riomizquensis had in common. Besides, the areoles and the small stump spines are really typical. And on top of that, it has the same type of flower.

Again, I did not have the chance to observe this plant over the course of a few years, but what I´ve seen on some of the pics looks a lot like the predominate cultivar.

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